Creating transformation through empowered self-image

Living with ease and enjoying your work life means knowing that you create your own reality! This is how we enjoy pure freedom, create fulfilling relationships, abundant wealth and complete health. It is empowering and fun! When we are at peace within ourselves, we are also in harmony with our environment, and can share this awareness collectively. The time to rediscover the space within is now! What’s inside shines out and that is what creates a power portrait.

Who I am

Vanessa Brewer is a professional photographer and plant enthusiast, known for her unique blend of artistry and natural elements. As the creative force behind a range of incredible space-clearing products, including smudge sticks and natural oil essences, Vanessa brings a holistic approach to her work. Her iconic lifestyle photographs capture your authentic self, infused with your intentions, to help attract your perfect clients.

Only when we allow ourselves the opportunity to live more consciously, loving and honoring ourselves and others, and thereby mindfully creating our lives and living our purpose – can we inspire others to do the same. And so quite simply, the greatest act of love you can offer yourself, your family and the world is to focus on you.

Only when we allow ourselves the opportunity to live more consciously, loving and honoring ourselves and others, and thereby mindfully creating our lives and living our purpose – can we inspire others to do the same. And so quite simply, the greatest act of love you can offer yourself, your family and the world is to focus on you.